The film Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael is a coming-of-age story centered around the return of a famous Hollywood actress, Roxy Carmichael, to her small Ohio hometown. The arrival of Roxy creates a buzz in the town, particularly among those who knew her before she became a movie star.

One of the main characters, Denton Webb, is a former lover of Roxy's who is now married and has a daughter. He finds himself drawn to Roxy once again, despite his seemingly happy life. Another character, Dinky Bossetti, is a troubled teen who is convinced that Roxy is her birth mother. Dinky is an orphan and has few friends, making her desperate for a connection to her past.

As the town prepares for Roxy's arrival, Dinky becomes more and more obsessed with the idea that Roxy is her mother. She starts to believe that Roxy will take her away from her current life and give her a better one. Meanwhile, Denton struggles with his feelings for Roxy and tries to reconcile them with his commitment to his family.

Throughout the film, we see the different ways that people in the town react to Roxy's return. Some are excited to see her, while others are wary of her motives. As the dedication ceremony for the new city building approaches, tensions in the town rise and secrets are revealed.

In the end, Roxy's return to the town has a profound effect on many of the characters. Denton comes to a new understanding of his past and present, while Dinky learns to let go of her obsession with her birth mother. Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael is a touching and poignant film about the complexities of small-town life and the power of personal connections.

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