Wee Dragons is a 2018 3D animated film directed by Alex Sebastian. The story follows Boil, a noble dragon who teams up with his loyal friend Big Gurt in a time-traveling adventure to save their kingdom from being taken over by the villainous Blister and his fearsome dragon companion, Durwyn.

King Bedwyr, the ruler of the peaceful Kingdom of the Wee Dragons, is overthrown by Blister, who desires ultimate power and control. Blister's plan is to force Princess Cai, Bedwyr's daughter and heir to the throne, to marry the evil goblin King Foul, as a means of consolidating his power. Boil, determined to save his kingdom and win Cai's heart, embarks on a journey through different time periods and locations, encountering magical creatures and friends along the way.

Boil's journey takes him through an ancient forest, a dark cave, and a Viking vessel, among other places. He also meets a talking tree, a helpful ghost, and a wise old wizard, who all assist him in his quest to defeat Blister and Durwyn. Meanwhile, Cai is forced to navigate the treacherous waters of palace politics, trying to survive under the cruel reign of Blister and Foul.

As Boil and Big Gurt face various obstacles and enemies, they must work together and use their skills to overcome challenges and save their kingdom. With stunning visuals and an engaging storyline, Wee Dragons is an entertaining adventure suitable for all ages.

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