We Used to Know Each Other is an independent romantic drama film written and directed by Robert G. Putka. The movie revolves around a couple named Blake and Abbey, who have been in a long-distance relationship for three years. They finally decide to move in together in Las Vegas, but as they get to know each other in their new setting, they begin to realize they may not be as compatible as they once thought.

The film explores the challenges of modern-day relationships and the difficulties of building a life together. Through its unique visual style and storytelling techniques, the movie offers a raw, unvarnished look at the ups and downs of a young couple trying to find their way in the world.

We Used to Know Each Other stars Essie Barrett and William Kenning, with supporting performances by Maggie McMeans, Justin Pietropaolo, and others. The film was shot on location in Las Vegas, and features a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack by composer Daniel Fries.

Overall, We Used to Know Each Other is a poignant and intimate portrayal of modern-day romance, highlighting the struggles and joys of trying to make a connection in an increasingly complicated world.

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