We the Animals is a coming-of-age drama film directed by Jeremiah Zagar and based on the novel of the same name by Justin Torres. The film explores the complex dynamics of a working-class family through the eyes of their three young sons, Manny, Joel, and Jonah. The boys live in a small town in upstate New York, where they spend their days playing in the woods and causing mischief.

Their parents, known only as Ma and Paps, have a tumultuous and sometimes violent relationship that impacts the boys in different ways. Manny and Joel both begin to emulate their father's behavior, while Jonah retreats into his own imagination as a way of coping with the family's dysfunction.

As the film progresses, Ma becomes increasingly unhappy with her life and starts to plan her escape. Meanwhile, Paps struggles to provide for his family and cope with his own emotions. The film culminates in a series of events that force the boys to confront their family's issues and come to terms with their own identities.

We the Animals premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2018 and received widespread critical acclaim for its honest portrayal of childhood and family dynamics. The film features powerful performances by its young cast, particularly newcomer Evan Rosado as Jonah.

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