We Live Here: The Midwest is a documentary film that delves into the lives of LGBTQI+ families residing in the Midwest region of the United States. The film showcases their personal stories as they navigate the challenges and triumphs of building lives within their communities, despite facing biased legislation and mounting prejudice.

The film introduces viewers to several LGBTQI+ families, including same-sex couples, transgender individuals, and queer parents, who have chosen to make the Midwest their home. It explores their experiences of facing discrimination, exclusion, and limited legal protections due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Through a series of intimate and emotional interviews, the individuals share their personal journeys, shedding light on the resilience and determination it takes to strive for a sense of belonging and acceptance. They discuss the obstacles they encounter when trying to raise children, build careers, form relationships, and participate fully in their communities while grappling with discriminatory laws and societal prejudice.

The documentary also highlights the efforts of local LGBTQI+ activists, allies, and organizations who work tirelessly to challenge and overcome the biased legislation and discrimination faced by these families. It showcases their advocacy work, community-building initiatives, and legal battles, emphasizing the powerful impact of collective action in challenging systemic oppression.

As the film unfolds, viewers witness both heartbreaking and heartwarming moments. From tearful testimonies of discrimination to joyous celebrations of love and resilience, We Live Here: The Midwest presents a rich tapestry of LGBTQI+ narratives that challenge stereotypes and shine a light on the often overlooked struggles and victories experienced by these families in their quest for equality and acceptance.

Ultimately, the documentary serves as a powerful call to action, encouraging viewers to examine their own biases and work toward fostering inclusive communities that celebrate and embrace the diversity of LGBTQI+ families throughout the Midwest and beyond.

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