We Are Freestyle Love Supreme is a documentary film directed by Andrew Fried, which chronicles the journey of the pioneering improv hip-hop group Freestyle Love Supreme. The group was co-founded by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator and star of Hamilton, along with director Thomas Kail and producer Jill Furman.

The film captures the essence of the group's performances, which incorporates elements of improvisation, freestyle rap, comedy, and storytelling. It also explores the personal and professional journeys of the group's founding members, including Miranda, Kail, Christopher Jackson, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Chris Sullivan, James Monroe Iglehart, and others, who forged a strong bond through their shared passion for hip-hop and performing arts.

The film showcases archival footage from the group's early days performing in the basement of the Drama Bookshop in downtown NYC, as well as highlights from their Broadway run in 2019. It also features interviews with the founding members, who reflect on their experiences, inspirations, and creative process, and how the group has evolved over the years.

As the film unfolds, we see how the group's cohesion and creative energy have become a defining aspect of their legacy, and why they continue to inspire and influence a new generation of performers and artists. Ultimately, We Are Freestyle Love Supreme is a testament to the power of collaboration, creativity, and the enduring legacy of an extraordinary group of performers.

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