In the film Wander, Arthur Bretnik (played by Aaron Eckhart) is a private investigator with a troubled past. He is hired to look into the alleged suicide of a local woman in the small town of Wander. However, as he delves deeper into the case, he begins to unravel a web of deceit and corruption that he believes is connected to the death of his daughter.

As Arthur investigates the case, he becomes increasingly paranoid and unstable. He begins to see connections between the supposed suicide and a larger conspiracy involving a secret government program known as "Mind's Eye." This program was designed to create soldiers with enhanced psychic abilities, but ended up causing a number of deaths and cover-ups.

Arthur's investigation leads him to team up with a local reporter named Elsa Viceroy (played by Katheryn Winnick). Together, they uncover evidence that the government has been hiding the truth about Mind's Eye and the deaths it caused. However, their investigation also puts them in danger as they are pursued by mysterious figures who are determined to keep the truth buried.

In the end, Arthur's obsession with the case becomes his undoing as he puts himself and Elsa in danger. The film ends with a twist that leaves the audience wondering about the true nature of the conspiracy at the heart of the story.

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