Walking Tall Part II is a 1975 American action film directed by Earl Bellamy and starring Bo Svenson as Sheriff Buford Pusser. The film is a sequel to the 1973 film Walking Tall and tells the story of a man's relentless pursuit of justice against an organized crime syndicate.

The movie opens with Sheriff Pusser returning to his hometown of McNairy County, Tennessee, after serving a stint in the Marines. He discovers that his wife, Pauline, has been murdered, which prompts him to wage a one-man war against the corrupt local officials and crime syndicate that he believes is responsible.

Pusser sets out to clean up the town and takes on the corrupt officials and the moonshiners who are operating illegal distilleries. He is rough and tough, and uses his physical strength and expertise in martial arts to take down his enemies. Along the way, he is threatened and attacked by the criminal elements, but he is determined to bring them to justice.

As Pusser gets closer to uncovering the truth, he becomes the target of several assassination attempts, but he perseveres, motivated by his thirst for revenge and his steadfast determination to bring justice to his wife's killers. In the end, Sheriff Pusser emerges victorious, having taken down the criminal syndicate and brought peace back to his hometown.

Walking Tall Part II is a classic revenge tale that showcases the determination and strength of a one-man army who stands up to corruption and lawlessness, motivated by his deep love for his family and his community.

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