Waking Up To Danger is a suspenseful drama movie that revolves around a young mother named Kate (played by Lindsay Hartley). Kate has recently suffered a serious accident that has caused her to lose her memory. As she tries to pick up the pieces of her life, she starts to realize that there are some dark secrets surrounding her previous life.

Kate begins to suspect that her husband, Steve (played by Jason-Shane Scott), might have been responsible for her accident and her memory loss. She receives strange phone calls that speak about a "secret" that she needs to remember, and it's clear that someone close to her is trying to manipulate her mind.

As Kate starts to dig deeper, she discovers that Steve has been having an affair with her best friend, Angie (played by Kayla Wallace). Kate confronts Steve, but he denies everything. However, the more Kate investigates, the more she realizes that her entire family might be in danger.

Waking Up To Danger is a movie that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense storyline and twists. The film also touches upon the theme of memory loss and how it can affect a person's life. Ultimately, the movie builds up to a thrilling finale that will leave the audience stunned.

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