"Waiting for Forever" follows the story of Will Donner, a young man who has chosen to live his life without a job or any responsibilities, relying on the support of his childhood friend Emma Twist. Will is in love with Emma, a successful actress who constantly travels for work, but she only sees him as a friend.

Despite Emma's busy schedule and the disapproval of her sister, Will continues to follow her around the country, popping up unexpectedly at her movie premieres and press events. As their relationship grows more complicated, Will must confront his own fears and insecurities in order to win Emma's heart.

The film explores themes of love, friendship, and the sacrifices we make for the people we care about. It also delves into the idea of living in the present moment and finding happiness in the simple things in life, even when faced with the uncertainty of the future. Ultimately, "Waiting for Forever" is a heartwarming tale of love and devotion that reminds audiences of the power of true connection and the importance of following your heart.

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