Wait Until Dark is a 1967 suspense thriller directed by Terence Young. The movie stars Audrey Hepburn as Susy Hendrix, a blind woman who becomes the target of a group of criminals. Alan Arkin plays the ruthless Roat, the leader of the group, while Richard Crenna plays Mike Talman, one of the gang members who tries to trick Susy into giving up the doll.

The film is based on a play by Frederick Knott, which was also adapted into a successful Broadway production. Hepburn won an Academy Award nomination for her performance as Susy, while Arkin was praised for his chilling portrayal of Roat.

The plot revolves around the doll that Sam Hendrix brings back from his trip, which is stuffed with drugs worth millions of dollars. When Sam is called away on business, the criminals break into the Hendrix apartment and try to convince Susy that they are old friends of her husband's. They search the apartment for the doll but Susy manages to hide it before they arrive.

Susy soon realizes that she is in danger and that the people in her apartment are not who they claim to be. She must use her wits and her other senses, including her acute sense of hearing, to outsmart the criminals and protect herself. The tension builds as the criminals become more aggressive, and Susy fights to survive.

Wait Until Dark is a classic thriller that keeps the audience on the edge of their seat until the very end. The movie is known for its inventive use of sound and lighting to create suspense, and for its unforgettable climactic scene. It is considered to be one of Audrey Hepburn's most intense and compelling performances, and one of the best suspense films of all time.

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