Voice of a Murderer is a South Korean crime thriller movie directed by Park Jin-pyo. The movie is based on a true story that happened in 1991 when a famous news anchor Han Kyung-bae's son was kidnapped. The movie depicts the struggle of a father, mother, and police to find the kidnapper and rescue the boy.

The plot of the movie revolves around the kidnap of Han Kyung-bae's son. The kidnapper demands a $100,000 ransom to release the boy. The police assign a veteran inspector, Woo Joong-sik, to the case. Woo Joong-sik takes charge of the case and assembles a top-notch task force to work under his command. He is also responsible for keeping the parents calm and helping them through the ordeal.

The kidnapper keeps calling the parents of the boy and giving them instructions for the money drop. This creates tension and anxiety for the parents, who are desperate to get their son back. The police try to trace the kidnapper's phone calls, but he constantly outwits them.

As the days pass, the kidnapper starts getting more aggressive. He sends photos of the boy to the parents to prove that he is still alive. He also threatens to kill the boy if the parents or the police do not comply with his demands.

Woo Joong-sik and his team work tirelessly to find the kidnapper and rescue the boy. They track down leads and follow every clue they can find. The investigation takes them on a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns. And as they get closer to the kidnapper, they discover a shocking truth that changes everything.

Voice of a Murderer is a gripping and intense movie that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. It explores the themes of family, love, and sacrifice in the face of adversity. The movie features outstanding performances by the cast members, especially Sol Kyung-gu who plays the role of Woo Joong-sik. The movie is a must-watch for all fans of crime thrillers.

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