The film follows filmmaker Rodney Evans as he struggles with losing his vision due to a rare genetic condition. As a visually impaired person, he confronts the fear of losing his ability to create pictures and capture images. He embarks on a journey of self-discovery and meets three other artists who have also faced the challenge of visual impairment.

The first artist he encounters is John Dugdale, a renowned photographer who lost most of his sight due to complications from HIV. Despite his visual impairment, Dugdale continues to create visually stunning works using a large-format camera and a team of assistants who help him compose each shot. The film shows the process behind creating one of Dugdale's iconic photographs and how he relies heavily on the help of his team to achieve his vision.

The second artist Evans meets is Kayla Hamilton, a ballet dancer who lost her vision due to a sudden illness. Hamilton shares her story of adapting to life as a visually impaired person and how it was difficult to find a dance company that valued her abilities. She ultimately found a company that was open to her unique creativity and worked collaboratively with the choreographer to create a dance piece that incorporated her visual impairment.

The third artist is Ryan Knighton, a writer who went blind in his late twenties due to a rare degenerative disease. Knighton shares how he feels that his visual impairment has actually helped him become a better writer - forcing him to rely more heavily on his other senses and more deeply connect with the world around him.

Throughout the film, Evans explores how these artists have adapted to their visual impairment and continued to create meaningful works. The film also shows the importance of accessibility in the arts and how it is possible to create inclusive spaces for artists with disabilities. Ultimately, Vision Portraits is a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit and a celebration of the power of art.

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