Violet Evergarden: The Movie is an animated feature film and a sequel to the popular anime series, Violet Evergarden. The movie is an adaptation of the spin-off novel, Violet Evergarden Gaiden, which explores the backstory of one of the side characters in the main series.

The story follows Violet Evergarden, a former child soldier who has been trained to be an Auto Memory Doll, a professional writer who helps people express their emotions through their letters. In the movie, Violet takes on a new mission to write a letter for a terminally ill woman named Isabella York, who wants to communicate her final feelings to her daughter.

As Violet works on the letter, she discovers Isabella's tragic past and learns about the bond between a mother and a daughter. Along the way, Violet also reflects on her own past and tries to find her place in the world as she struggles with her emotions.

The movie is directed by Haruka Fujita and Taichi Ishidate, who also worked on the original series. It features stunning animation and an emotional soundtrack composed by Evan Call. The film was released in September 2020 in Japan and has received critical acclaim for its storytelling, visuals, and characters. It is a must-see for fans of the original series and anyone who loves a good emotional drama.

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