Violence Voyager is a Japanese animated film directed by Ujicha. The movie is a dark, surreal, and twisted horror adventure that revolves around two young boys, Bobby and Akkun, who stumble upon a secret amusement park in the mountains. Upon entering the park, they soon discover that it is not what it seems and find themselves trapped inside along with other lost children.

The boys encounter a strange robotic amusement park owner who welcomes them to the park and takes them on a guided tour. The tour turns into a nightmare when the boys realize that they are in grave danger and cannot leave the park. They come across an abandoned factory within the park, which turns out to be the secret base of the villains trying to kill them.

The movie's animation style is unique, with all characters, backgrounds, and props portrayed as created using paper cutouts. This style gives the film a creepy, unsettling atmosphere, making it more intense. The film is rated R and includes graphic violence, disturbing images, and mature themes.

Overall, Violence Voyager is a surreal and disturbing entry in the horror genre, blending animation with surrealism to create a macabre fairy tale. It's an intense and impactful work, made particularly noteworthy by its unwavering commitment to its singular animator-driven style.

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