Victory, also known as Escape to Victory, is a 1981 sports drama directed by John Huston and starring a cast of soccer legends and Hollywood stars, including Michael Caine, Sylvester Stallone, and Pelé. Set in a German prison camp during World War II, the film tells the story of a group of Allied prisoners of war who are forced to play a soccer match against the German National Team as a propaganda stunt.

The prisoners, led by British Army Captain John Colby (Caine), are initially reluctant to participate in the match, but eventually agree to play in the hopes of using the opportunity to escape. Their team is bolstered by the addition of two footballers, American POW Robert Hatch (Stallone), and Brazilian Pelé as Luis Fernandez, a former national team player.

The match, played in front of a large crowd of German soldiers and officials, is a tense and thrilling affair, with the prisoners showing surprising skill and determination against their highly skilled opponents. The film climaxes in a nail-biting finish, with the prisoners scoring a dramatic goal to win the match.

Victory is notable for its realistic depiction of life in a POW camp, including the harsh conditions, the relationships between prisoners and guards, and the difficulties of communication between different nationalities. It also highlights the role of sports as a means of escape, entertainment, and propaganda during wartime, and the power of teamwork and solidarity in the face of adversity.

While not a critical success at the time of its release, Victory has since become a cult classic and a beloved sports movie, especially among football fans around the world. Its uplifting message of hope and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds resonates with audiences of all ages and backgrounds.

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