Vice Versa is a 1988 comedy film directed by Brian Gilbert and starring Judge Reinhold and Fred Savage. The film follows the story of Marshall Seymour (Judge Reinhold), a workaholic executive who buys an ancient skull from a mysterious oriental shopkeeper (played by the legendary character actor, Saeed Jaffrey) as a gift for his son, Charlie (Fred Savage).

However, this seemingly innocent purchase has a bizarre and unexpected effect on both Marshall and Charlie. After a freak incident involving the skull, Marshall wakes up the next morning to find that he has turned into his son. Meanwhile, Charlie has been transformed into the body of his father.

At first, both father and son are bewildered by their bizarre situation, but they quickly realize that this is an opportunity to experience life from the other's perspective. As they navigate each other's daily routines and struggles, they gain a newfound respect and understanding for each other.

However, the transition is not without its challenges. Marshall's business is in the midst of a delicate negotiation, and Charlie has to deal with intense peer pressure at school. As they navigate their new lives, they must figure out how to reverse the transformation before it becomes permanent.

Will Marshall and Charlie be able to reverse the spell in time? Can they restore their own identities? Vice Versa is a heartwarming comedy about the importance of family and learning to see the world through someone else's eyes.

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