Versus is a 2000 Japanese action-horror film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura. It follows a gang of ruthless criminals and an escaped convict who find themselves trapped in The Forest of Resurrection, the 444th portal to the other side, where the dead have come back to life. The film is notable for its blend of classic Japanese samurai mysticism with modern-day gangster and gun culture.

The main character is Prisoner KSC2-303 (played by Tak Sakaguchi), a violent criminal who has escaped from prison and finds himself in the forest. He meets a mysterious woman (played by Chieko Misaka) who seems to know more about the forest than she lets on. Meanwhile, a group of gangsters led by Yakuza boss Kaneda (played by Hideo Sakaki) arrive in the forest, looking for a place to bury their victims.

As the group battles their way through hordes of undead warriors, they encounter a powerful evil spirit who has been waiting for centuries to escape the forest and claim its prize. The final standoff between the living and the dead is both brutal and bloody, as the group tries to escape the forest and get back to civilization.

Versus is known for its inventive fight scenes and impressive stunts, which were performed by the actors themselves without the use of CGI or wirework. The film has since gained a cult following for its unique blend of genres and its stylized approach to violence.

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