
Comedy  Canada 

As the story unfolds, tensions rise as Ralph struggles to navigate his relationship with his newfound father, while also keeping it a secret from his mother and stepfather. Sid and Daniel also face challenges as they navigate their relationship in the wake of Sid's transition, and Daniel's reluctance to accept Ralph as a part of their family.

As the family dynamics continue to evolve, secrets are revealed and relationships are tested. Sid must confront her past and come to terms with her identity as a woman, while Ralph grapples with his own feelings about his father's transition. Daniel is forced to confront his own prejudices and fears about having a transgender partner and stepson.

Through it all, the characters learn valuable lessons about acceptance, love, and what it truly means to be a family. The film ultimately celebrates the beauty and strength of modern families, showing that love knows no bounds when it comes to gender, generations, and cultures colliding.

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