Velvet Buzzsaw is a horror satire film that explores the inner workings of the modern art world. The film follows a group of art dealers, curators, and collectors who are all seeking to profit from the latest artistic discovery, a series of paintings by an unknown artist named Vetril Dease. However, as the paintings begin to gain fame and fortune, a supernatural force is unleashed that seeks revenge on those who have allowed greed to corrupt their appreciation of art.

The film is directed by Dan Gilroy and features an ensemble cast that includes Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Toni Collette, and John Malkovich. On its surface, Velvet Buzzsaw is a biting satire of the art world and those who inhabit it, examining the ways in which commercial interests can undermine artistic integrity. However, as the supernatural force begins to take its toll on the characters, the film becomes a thriller that explores the consequences of disregarding the power of art.

Overall, Velvet Buzzsaw is a unique and unsettling film that uses horror and satire to expose the dark underbelly of the art world. With its talented cast and stylish direction, the film is a must-see for horror fans and art enthusiasts alike.

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