Vampire Clay

Horror  Japan 

Vampire Clay is a horror comedy film directed by Sôichi Umezawa, that premiered in Japan in 2017. The story follows a group of students at an arts school who discover a strange substance, which is actually a pile of clay possessed by an evil spirit that has been awakened by human blood. The clay begins taking on human form and terrorizing the students, killing them in grisly and gruesome ways.

The film is known for its creative use of practical effects, with the clay monster being brought to life using stop-motion animation and prosthetics. The gore and violence in the film are also notable, with scenes of characters being stabbed, dismembered, and eaten alive by the monster.

Despite its dark subject matter, the film also contains elements of comedy, with absurd and exaggerated situations that add a layer of humor to the horror. The characters themselves are also somewhat exaggerated, with stereotypes of different art school students being played up for laughs.

Overall, Vampire Clay is a unique and twisted horror film that pushes the boundaries of what can be accomplished with practical effects and storytelling.

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