Untogether is a drama film that follows the story of Andrea (played by Jemima Kirke), a former teenage prodigy who is now a writer struggling to find her voice after overcoming drug addiction. She begins attending a recovery program where she meets and develops a relationship with Nick (played by Jamie Dornan), a rising author and former soldier known for his wartime memoirs.

Despite the challenges of their past, the two writers find chemistry and a shared passion for writing. However, as they delve deeper into their relationship, Andrea struggles to break free from her past and to overcome her fears of being vulnerable and exposing herself through her writing.

At the same time, Andrea's sister, Tara (played by Lola Kirke), a former aspiring writer and recovering addict herself, is also trying to find her way in life. With her marriage falling apart, she begins a romantic relationship with an older man, Martin (played by Ben Mendelsohn), a successful writer and family man who is struggling to keep his own life in order.

As Andrea and Nick's relationship progresses, Andrea is forced to confront her past and make difficult decisions about her future. Meanwhile, Tara is faced with her own set of challenges as she tries to navigate her relationship with Martin and find her own path in life.

Untogether is a compelling story about love, loss, and redemption, and it explores the complex relationships between writers and the challenges of finding one's voice and place in the world.

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