Unsane is a psychological horror film directed by Steven Soderbergh and released in 2018. The movie revolves around a young woman named Sawyer Valentini, who is involuntarily committed to a mental institution after seeking help for emotional stress. Despite her initial attempts to prove her sanity and get released, she soon realizes that she is trapped in a nightmare and her greatest fear has come to haunt her.

The movie explores the themes of mental health, gaslighting, and abuse of power. Sawyer, played by Claire Foy, is a troubled character who has moved to a new city to escape her stalker, David Strine (Joshua Leonard). In a moment of desperation, she visits a counselor and ends up signing some papers without reading them carefully. She is then admitted to a psychiatric facility where she meets a group of patients with different personalities and conditions.

At first, Sawyer tries to keep a low profile and cooperate with the staff. However, she soon notices that something is not right with one of the nurses, George Shaw (Jay Pharoah), who bears a striking resemblance to her stalker. She tries to warn the others, but no one believes her, and she is given drugs that affect her perceptions. Her past trauma and present situation mix up, and she starts to question her sanity.

As Sawyer struggles to figure out what is happening to her, she discovers a sinister plot involving the hospital's administration and a lucrative scam. The climax of the movie sees Sawyer facing her fears and fighting to expose the truth. Unsane is a cleverly crafted thriller that keeps the audience guessing and delivers a message about the importance of mental health advocacy and empowerment.

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