
Comedy  United States of America 

Unplugging is a romantic comedy about a couple, Dan and Jeanine, who decide to go on a digital detox weekend in a remote mountain town. Dan hopes that this break from technology will help them reconnect and reignite their passion for each other. However, things don't go as planned.

As soon as they arrive in the town, they realize that it's not the idyllic getaway they had imagined. The locals are hostile and unwelcoming, and the only available accommodation is a creepy cabin. To make matters worse, they haven't brought enough food, and they soon discover that there's no cellphone reception or internet access.

As they struggle to adjust to their new, technology-free life, Dan and Jeanine face a series of challenges. They have to navigate the town without a GPS, make do with the sparse provisions they have, and deal with strange occurrences that seem to be paranormal in nature.

As they overcome these obstacles, they begin to rediscover their love for each other. They talk more, laugh more, and appreciate each other's company in ways that they haven't for a long time. But just as they start to feel hopeful about their future together, a series of misfortunes threaten their fragile peace.

Unplugging is a heartwarming and funny film that explores the importance of human connections in a world that's increasingly dominated by technology. It's a love story that shows how even the most troubled relationships can be saved with a little time, effort, and a digital detox.

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