Unidentified Flying Oddball, also known as The Spaceman and King Arthur, is a science fiction comedy film released in 1979. The film follows the adventures of Tom Trimble, a NASA astronaut who, along with his robot companion Hermes, are sent on a mission to explore the reaches of space. During their travels, they discover a time warp that leads them back to Earth in the 6th century, right into the heart of King Arthur's Camelot.

As Tom and Hermes try to figure out what to do next, they meet Alisande, a beautiful maiden who takes them in and befriends them. Meanwhile, they also meet Sir Mordred, an evil knight who has teamed up with the sorcerer Merlin to plot against King Arthur and those who stand in their way. Tom must use his 20th century knowledge and technology to try and foil Mordred and Merlin's plans, all while navigating the unfamiliar world of the past.

The film features a fun and lighthearted tone that blends science fiction and fantasy elements with comedic moments, making it an enjoyable family-friendly adventure. It also showcases solid performances from the cast, including Dennis Dugan as Tom Trimble, Jim Dale as Sir Mordred, Kenneth More as Merlin, and Sheila White as Alisande.

Overall, Unidentified Flying Oddball is a charming and entertaining film that offers a unique take on the classic King Arthur legend, adding a modern twist that is both fun and imaginative.

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