Underworld is a 2003 action horror movie that follows Selene, a vampire Death Dealer, who discovers a plot by the werewolves, known as Lycans, to create a hybrid breed that could challenge their supremacy. Selene soon discovers that the Lycans' plan involves a human named Michael Corvin, who holds the key to their ultimate goal.

As Selene delves deeper into the conspiracy, she falls in love with Michael, despite their species' ancient enmity. With the help of a sympathetic vampire, Kraven, Selene uncovers the truth about the Lycans' plan and the conspiracy that has ensnared her own kind.

In a thrilling climax, Selene faces off against the Lycan leader, Lucian, and Kraven, who has become corrupted by his own ambition, while Michael becomes entangled in the explosive conflict.

Underworld features a compelling blend of action and horror, with dazzling visual effects and outstanding performances from stars Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman. The film was a box office success and spawned four sequels, further exploring the supernatural world of vampires and Lycans.

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