Underworld: Awakening is the fourth installment in the Underworld series and premiered in 2012. The film follows the story of Selene, who wakes up after being cryogenically frozen for 12 years, only to discover that the world has gone through dramatic changes. Humans have discovered the existence of vampires and lycans and launch a war to eliminate them.

As she learns more about what has happened, Selene meets a young vampire/Lycan hybrid named David, who helps her navigate through the new world order. However, as they fight to stay alive, they must also face a new threat - a group of super Lycans that are stronger and more dangerous than ever before.

Selene and David team up with a group of other vampires and a lone Lycan to try to find a way to defeat the new threat and prevent the extinction of their kind. Along the way, Selene discovers shocking secrets about her own past, including the existence of a daughter she did not know she had.

The action-packed film is filled with epic fight scenes, incredible special effects, and a gripping storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It also features the return of Kate Beckinsale as Selene, who delivers another unforgettable performance in the iconic role.

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