Under Wraps is a made-for-TV movie that was released in 1997. The movie follows the story of three friends named Gilbert, Marshall, and Amy who discover a mummy named Harold inside a sarcophagus in an old museum. The trio becomes friends with Harold, but things take a turn when a group of criminals steal the mummy, hoping to sell it for a large sum of money.

Determined to save their friend, the three friends embark on a mission to get Harold back to his resting place before midnight on Halloween, which is when the mummy's curse is set to become permanent. Along the way, they experience a series of adventures and comedic mishaps, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the criminals who are hot on their trail.

As the clock ticks down, the trio race against time to return Harold to his rightful resting place and break the curse. In the end, they are successful, and Harold is no longer trapped in his mummified form. The movie ends with the three friends sharing a moment of relief and joy, knowing they saved their friend from a fate worse than death.

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