The movie Under the Same Moon, also known as La Misma Luna, was released in 2007 and directed by Patricia Riggen. The film follows the story of Carlitos, a young boy who is forced to cross the border from Mexico into the United States in search of his mother, Rosario. Rosario has been working in Los Angeles as a housekeeper and sending money back to her son and her mother in Mexico.

Carlitos is determined to reunite with his mother and sets out on a dangerous journey across the border with the help of a kind-hearted truck driver named Enrique. Meanwhile, Rosario struggles to make ends meet while living in fear of deportation. She dreams of one day being reunited with her son, but the challenges of living and working illegally in the U.S. make it difficult for her to achieve this goal.

As Carlitos makes his way towards Los Angeles, he meets other people who are also struggling to survive and make a life for themselves in the U.S. When he finally reaches his destination, he discovers that his mother has been fired from her job and is now living in a cramped apartment with other undocumented workers. Despite the challenges they face, Rosario and Carlitos are determined to stay together and build a better life for themselves.

Under the Same Moon is a heartwarming and poignant tale of family, love, and the sacrifices people make to provide a better future for their loved ones. It explores the hardships faced by undocumented immigrants and the humanity and resilience that emerge in the face of adversity. The film features powerful performances from its cast, including Adrain Alonso as Carlitos and Kate del Castillo as Rosario, and showcases the beautiful cinematography of Mexico and the U.S.

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