The movie "Under the Boardwalk" follows the journey of two brave crabs, named Sandy and Shelly, who are swept away from their home on the beach during a powerful storm. As they struggle to find their way back, they encounter various obstacles and dangers, including predatory seagulls and treacherous tides.

Their determination and courage inspire other creatures they meet along the way, and soon they are joined by a colorful cast of characters, including a wise old turtle, a playful school of fish, and a helpful octopus. Together, they form a makeshift family and work together to overcome challenges and find their way home.

As they journey back, they face numerous adventures and obstacles, including navigating through a bustling fishing harbor and escaping from the clutches of a curious but mischievous human child. Along the way, they learn important lessons about teamwork, friendship, and the power of perseverance.

When they finally reunite with their families, they realize that their epic journey has not only brought them home but also united their families and paved the way for great summers to come. The movie celebrates the power of unity and determination, and the importance of working together to overcome adversity.

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