Uncle Tom is a documentary film that was released in 2020, directed by Justin Malone and executive produced by Larry Elder. It features interviews with several African American conservatives, including media personalities, ministers, civil rights activists, veterans, and a self-employed plumber. The film explores the personal journeys of these individuals as they navigate the world as one of America's most misunderstood political and cultural groups: The American Black Conservative.

The film takes a unique look at what it means to be black in America, and how conservatives in this group are often shunned by mainstream society. Through their stories, the film examines themes of self-empowerment, individualism, and rejecting the victim narrative. It provides a different perspective on American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group.

Some of the well-known personalities featured in the film include Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Jesse Lee Peterson, Herman Cain, and Allen West. The film also includes lesser-known individuals who share their personal experiences and perspectives on conservatism within the black community.

Overall, Uncle Tom is a thought-provoking and eye-opening documentary that challenges viewers to consider a different perspective on issues related to race and politics in America. It has been praised for its honest portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of black conservatives, and for its message of self-empowerment and individualism.

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