Uncertainty is a 2009 independent thriller film directed by Scott McGehee and David Siegel. It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Lynn Collins as Bobby and Kate, a young couple who find themselves at a crossroads in their relationship. One day, while walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, they decide to flip a coin to determine their plans for the rest of the day. The coin toss sets off a chain of events that splits their day into two parallel storylines.

In the first storyline, Bobby and Kate end up in Brooklyn, where they visit Bobby's family and explore the city. They spend time with Bobby's younger brother, who has Down syndrome, and Kate learns more about Bobby's past and family history. They also visit an art exhibition and attend a family dinner, where tensions rise as family secrets are revealed.

In the second storyline, Bobby and Kate end up in Manhattan, where they inadvertently find themselves in possession of a mysterious cellphone. They are soon pursued by a group of dangerous men who are willing to do anything to get the phone back. As they try to evade their pursuers, Bobby and Kate become increasingly paranoid and distrustful of each other.

As the two storylines unfold in parallel, the viewer is left to wonder which path Bobby and Kate will ultimately choose. Will they choose the safety and comfort of family and familiarity, or will they embrace the uncertainty and risk of the unknown?

Uncertainty is a tense and thought-provoking film that explores themes of choice, chance, and the butterfly effect. It is anchored by strong performances from Gordon-Levitt and Collins, who bring depth and nuance to their roles. The film's inventive structure and dual storylines keep the viewer engaged and guessing until the very end.

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