Unbreakable is a 2000 American superhero thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film stars Bruce Willis as David Dunn, a security guard who discovers superhuman abilities after surviving a train crash, and Samuel L. Jackson as Elijah Price, a man who Dunn comes to believe is responsible for the accident and has a rare disorder that makes his bones extremely brittle.

As Dunn discovers his newfound strength and invincibility, he is contacted by Price, who has spent most of his life searching for someone like Dunn who could be his polar opposite: unbreakable, where he is fragile. Price has a theory that there are two types of people in the world: heroes and villains, and suggests that Dunn is the former and has a higher purpose to fulfill.

As Dunn begins to accept his superhero status, he steps into the spotlight to protect innocent people, but he must also confront his own fears and limitations. In the end, Dunn must face off against Price in a final confrontation that will determine his place in the world and whether he is truly unbreakable.

Unbreakable received generally positive reviews from critics and has become a cult classic among fans of the superhero genre. It was followed by a standalone sequel, Split, in 2016, which was later tied into the same universe as Unbreakable in the 2019 film, Glass.

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