The movie UFO follows Derek, a college student who witnesses a strange object flying in the sky one night while studying. With his exceptional math skills, Derek is convinced that what he saw was not a figment of his imagination and starts investigating the sighting with the help of his friends.

As they start digging deeper into the mysterious sighting, they discover that the government and the FBI are also interested in the incident. The FBI starts following them, suspecting that they might have stumbled upon something significant.

As they continue their investigation, they uncover some startling facts that point towards the existence of extraterrestrial life, and it becomes clear to them that they need to take this matter to the public. But in doing so, they inadvertently invite the wrath of the FBI.

The movie UFO is an exciting and thrilling ride that explores the possibility of extraterrestrial life and sheds light on the government's involvement in covering up significant events.

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