The movie Two Brothers takes place in French-ruled Cambodia during the 1920s. Two tiger cubs, named Sangha and Kumal, are separated from their mother when hunters kill her in the jungle. Sangha is taken by a wealthy merchant to be trained to fight in the ring, while Kumal is sold to a circus headed by an American named Aidan McRory.

Years later, the two tigers are adults and have not seen each other since they were cubs. McRory is approached by a British explorer named Aidan Pearce, who convinces McRory to sell Kumal to him for his collection of exotic animals. Pearce intends to use Kumal to lure Sangha out of the jungle so that he can capture him and add him to his collection.

When Sangha and Kumal are reunited, they do not recognize each other as brothers and instead become enemies as they compete for territory and food in the jungle. As Pearce's plan unfolds, the two tigers are eventually forced to fight each other in the ring, with the winner promised their freedom.

The movie explores themes of brotherhood, captivity, and the human impact on animals and their habitats. While both tigers survive the fight, the audience is left with the impression that their relationship is forever changed as a result of their captivity and subsequent exploitation by humans.

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