The movie 'Twas the Fight Before Christmas is based on a true story and revolves around Jeremy Morris, a man who loves Christmas and decorates his house extensively every year. However, his Christmas display becomes a problem for his neighbors as it causes traffic congestion and noise pollution. The neighbors complain to the local authorities, but Jeremy refuses to remove his decorations.

This leads to a legal battle between Jeremy and his neighbors, which becomes a national news story and brings attention to the community. As the court case unfolds, both sides argue their points and emotions run high.

Despite the tension, the movie highlights the importance of community, understanding, and compromise during the holiday season. In the end, the dispute is resolved in a heartwarming way, and Jeremy learns the true meaning of Christmas spirit.

'Twas the Fight Before Christmas stars Tom Arnold as Jeremy Morris and is directed by David Winning. It first aired on the Lifetime Network in 2019.

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