Tuesday, After Christmas is a Romanian drama film that follows Paul Hanganu, a middle-aged dentist who is struggling to balance his love for his wife, Adriana, and his mistress, Raluca. The movie primarily centers about his internal conflict in choosing between the two, and his struggles in keeping his infidelity a secret from both women.

As the holiday season approaches, Paul realizes he must come to a decision about which woman he wants to be with. He struggles with the guilt of betraying Adriana, who has been by his side for ten years and is the mother of his daughter. At the same time, he is torn by the intense passion he feels for Raluca.

Throughout the film, Paul's relationships with both women are explored in depth, showcasing the different dynamics between them. The chemistry and tension between Paul and Raluca are palpable, and their scenes together are emotionally charged and raw. Meanwhile, his interactions with Adriana are more nuanced, showing the deep familiarity and comfort that come with being in a long-term relationship.

As Christmas draws closer, Paul's internal conflict comes to a head, and he is forced to make a decision that will have far-reaching consequences. The film puts a spotlight on the complexities of human relationships and emotional entanglements, while also exploring themes of love, commitment, and personal identity.

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