Watch Tuck Everlasting Movie streaming websites

The Forever Secret of Winnie Foster

Drama,Family,Fantasy,Romance,Science Fiction  United States of America 

One day, Winnie encounters Jesse Tuck (Jonathan Jackson), a young man who seems to be in his late teens, drinking from a spring in the woods near her home. Jesse and his family (William Hurt, Sissy Spacek, and Scott Bairstow) take Winnie to their home and explain that they have been able to live for centuries because of the spring's magical powers. They also reveal that Jesse had drunk from the spring years before, and has not aged since.

As Winnie becomes closer to Jesse and his family, she begins to understand the weight of immortality and the impact it has had on the Tucks' lives. Jesse's brother, Miles (Bairstow), reveals his unhappiness with never being able to live a normal life, while his mother, Mae (Spacek), fears losing her family and the knowledge of their secret to the outside world. Meanwhile, a stranger in town (Ben Kingsley) is searching for the spring, hoping to use its powers for his own nefarious purposes.

As Winnie falls deeper in love with Jesse, the Tucks must decide whether to reveal their secret and risk losing their immortality, or sending Winnie back to her normal life without telling her about the spring. The film explores themes of love, family, mortality, and the value of life.


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