Truth or Consequences is a unique blend of documentary and science fiction, exploring themes of time, space, progress, and loss. The film takes place in the eponymous town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, situated near a Spaceport which promises commercial space exploration in the not-so-distant future.

The film is directed by Hannah Jayanti, who also appears on screen and serves as a sort of guide for the audience. Jayanti acts as a filmmaker from the future, sent back in time to document the lives of the people in Truth or Consequences. She interviews various townspeople, who share their experiences and thoughts on the town, its history, and the changes it faces.

The documentary portion of the film is interspersed with fictional vignettes, depicting a possible future in which space exploration and colonization have become a reality. These scenes are shot in a distinct sci-fi style, complete with neon colors and high-tech visuals, contrasting with the gritty realism of the documentary footage.

Throughout the film, the theme of time is explored through various lenses. From the town's history as a hot springs resort, to its abandonment during the Great Depression, to its current struggle for economic viability, the past looms large over Truth or Consequences. At the same time, the film considers the future, not just in terms of space exploration, but also the evolving nature of human progress and the challenges we face in adapting to it.

Ultimately, Truth or Consequences is a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience, blending elements of documentary and science fiction to create a unique cinematic experience.

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