
Comedy  N/A 

Trunkfish is a psychological drama that centers around Scott (played by Justin Duncan) and his wife Mary (played by Melody Brooke). Scott is a middle-aged man who has become bored with his life and his marriage. He has grown distant from his wife and is sexually unfulfilled. One day, he comes up with an idea to spice up their relationship by living out all of his sexual fantasies with Mary.

Mary agrees to go along with Scott's plan, and they begin exploring a variety of different sexual scenarios. At first, Mary is hesitant and unsure, but she soon begins to enjoy the new experiences. However, as Scott's desires become more and more extreme, Mary starts to feel uncomfortable and trapped in the situation.

As Scott becomes increasingly obsessed with his fantasies, Mary struggles to cope with the reality of how far they have gone. She tries to talk to Scott about her feelings, but he dismisses her concerns and becomes angry and abusive when she tries to put a stop to their activities.

The film explores themes of power, control, and abuse within a sexual relationship. Trunkfish is a tense and emotionally charged film that delves into the dark side of sexual experimentation and the consequences of pushing boundaries too far.

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