Troll 2 is a 1990 horror film directed by Claudio Fragasso. The story follows the Waits family who decide to take a vacation to the remote farming community of Nilbog, despite the protests of their son, Joshua. Upon arrival, strange things begin to happen and it becomes clear that the town is not what it seems.

As the family settles in, they learn about the legend of the goblins that roam the area and their insatiable appetite for human flesh. Joshua's grandfather appears to him in a vision and warns him about the goblins, urging him to stop his family from eating any of the food they are offered.

As the days pass, the goblins begin to infiltrate the family's cabin, terrorizing them and trying to turn them into plants to feast upon. Joshua must use his wits and courage to protect his family and stop the goblins before they consume them all.

The film has gained a cult following for its bizarre storyline, terrible acting, and cheesy special effects. Despite being marketed as a sequel to the 1986 film Troll, it has no connection to that movie and is widely regarded as one of the worst films ever made.

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