The movie Tribal Get Out Alive is a thrilling action-packed film that follows a group of elite military personnel who are forced to use their skills to survive in an unknown and dangerous environment. The film stars Zara Phythian as Caitlin Ross, an experienced warrior who has retired from service due to PTSD, and Ross O'Hennessy as Brad Johnson, a former team member and close friend of Caitlin.

When Richard Kenning, a young and troublesome millionaire, hires the small security firm led by Caitlin and Brad to clear and secure the land and property he has recently inherited, they believe it to be an easy job. However, as they begin to investigate, they discover that the land and buildings have a dark and mysterious history, and strange occurrences begin to happen.

As people start disappearing and the team end up locked in with no escape, they realize that they are being hunted by an unknown enemy. The team must work together to fight for their survival, utilizing their skills and training to outsmart their attackers and find a way out.

Throughout the film, Caitlin and Brad's past experiences and training come in handy, as they lead the team through dangerous situations and navigate their way through unknown territory. The tension and suspense build as the team learns more about the history of the land and the creatures that inhabit it, culminating in an intense and action-packed finale.

Overall, Tribal Get Out Alive is a thrilling and adrenaline-fueled movie that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. With a talented cast and expertly crafted action sequences, this film is sure to appeal to fans of the action and horror genres.

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