Triage is a drama film released in 2009, directed by Danis Tanovic and starred by Colin Farrell, Paz Vega, and Christopher Lee. The story follows Mark Walsh (Colin Farrell), a photojournalist who travels to Kurdistan to cover the war and becomes deeply traumatized by the events he witnessed there. Upon returning home to Dublin, he becomes distant and detached from his wife Elena (Paz Vega) and his best friend and colleague David (Jamie Sives).

Mark begins to suffer from PTSD and decides to fly back to Kurdistan to search for a friend and fellow photojournalist named David. However, Mark mysteriously returns home without David, leaving Elena bewildered and concerned. Elena sets out on a journey to Kurdistan herself to find out what happened to David and uncover the truth behind Mark’s distress.

As Elena delves deeper into the war-torn country, she discovers the harsh realities of the conflict and the effects it has on Mark and David. She befriends a local doctor, Talzani (Branko Djuric), who helps her understand the situation better. Elena eventually finds out what happened to David and confronts Mark, forcing him to confront his demons and come to terms with his trauma.

Triage is a poignant and heart-wrenching movie that examines the effects of war on individuals, their families, and their friends. It highlights the struggles that photojournalists face while covering wars and the emotional and psychological toll it takes on them. The film showcases Colin Farrell's exceptional acting skills, who delivers a powerful and nuanced performance as Mark, a man haunted by his past and struggles to come to terms with it.

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