Trek: The Movie is a comedy-drama released in 2018, directed by Alan Peterson and written by David Howard. The film centres around a group of young Mormon teenagers, led by their strict Young Men's leader, Brother Rohmer (played by Joel Bishop). The group sets out on a three-day handcart trek across Utah, following in the footsteps of their pioneer ancestors.

Tom (played by Austin R. Grant) is the protagonist of the film, a shy, awkward teenager who is secretly in love with his best friend, Sarah (played by Lindsay Farr). Tom and his friends - including the rebellious Carter (played by Spencer Loftus) and the nerdy Tyler (played by Clint Pulver) - are excited for the trek, eager to escape their mundane lives for a few days of adventure.

However, things don't go as planned for the group. The first day of the trek is marred by a series of setbacks, including a broken wheel on their handcart and a run-in with a hostile group of non-Mormon hikers. As the days go on, tensions within the group begin to rise, with Carter and Tyler vying for the attention of Sarah, and Brother Rohmer becoming increasingly frustrated with the group's inability to follow his strict rules.

Despite their differences, the group must come together in the face of unexpected danger. Along the way, they encounter a skunk with a taste for Twinkies, face hunger and exhaustion, and confront their own doubts and fears. Through it all, they are forced to rely on their faith and the lessons of their pioneer ancestors to see them through.

Trek: The Movie is a coming-of-age story that explores themes of friendship, faith, and perseverance. The film was praised for its heartfelt performances, witty humor, and realistic portrayal of Mormon teenage life.

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