Traveller is a 1997 drama film directed by Jack N. Green and starring Bill Paxton, Mark Wahlberg, and Julianna Margulies. The movie explores the lives of the Irish Traveller community in rural North Carolina, a group of people who travel around the country looking for work and trying to make a living.

The story follows Pat O'Hara (Mark Wahlberg), a young man who returns to his roots to reconnect with his Traveller heritage. Pat's family had been part of the community until they were forced to leave after his father committed a crime. Pat feels a strong sense of identity with the Travellers, but he initially faces rejection from the group due to his apparent lack of knowledge about their way of life.

Pat is eventually taken under the wing of his cousin Bokky (Bill Paxton), a skilled grifter who teaches him the tricks of the trade. As Pat becomes more involved in the Traveller community, he develops relationships with other members and begins to understand the complex code of honor and loyalty that governs their lives.

However, Bokky's love for a local woman named Jean (Julianna Margulies) threatens to disrupt their way of life. Bokky desires a different path than the one he's known his whole life, and this creates tension between him and Pat.

The movie deftly portrays the struggles of the Irish Travellers as they try to maintain their traditions in a changing world. It also delves into issues of morality and the consequences of breaking the code that binds the community together. Traveller received critical acclaim for its authentic portrayal of the Traveller community and the strong performances by its cast.

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