Trapped Ashes is a horror anthology film released in 2006. The premise of the movie is set in a haunted house where seven people are trapped and are being held hostage by a demented filmmaker played by John Saxon. To escape his clutches, the captives have to tell their scariest, most personal stories. Each story forms a segment of the movie and adds to the overall horror and suspense.

The stories include a married couple with a dark and disturbing secret, a young man's horrific encounter with a mysterious woman, a Hollywood starlet who discovers a monstrous creature lurking in her closet, a newlywed couple's trip to a sex club in Japan that's not what it seems, and a man's obsession with his dead fiancée that leads him to a strange and horrifying discovery.

As each story unfolds, the audience begins to realize that they are all connected in some way. The film features notable actors such as Rachel Veltri, Scott Lowell, and Jayce Bartok. Trapped Ashes presents a unique twist on the horror anthology genre by framing it within an overarching narrative and incorporating different cinematic styles into each tale.

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