Trapped Alive is a horror movie from 1988 directed by Leszek Burzynski. The story revolves around a group of people who get trapped in a mine shaft after their car crashes into a snowdrift. The group consists of two young girls, Robin and Monica, who are on their way to a concert with their friends, the sheriff's deputy Fred, and two escaped prisoners, Frank and Sam.

As they explore the mine shaft, they come across a man who has been living down there for years. He is a cannibalistic mutant who has been surviving by eating people who get lost in the mine. The group soon realizes that they are not alone and that they are being hunted by the mutant.

As the group tries to find a way out of the mine, tensions rise, and relationships are put to the test. Meanwhile, the mutant is picking them off one by one, and everyone's survival is at stake.

Trapped Alive is a classic example of a low-budget horror movie. The film is relatively unknown to today's audiences, but it has developed a cult following among horror fans who appreciate the movie's cheesy special effects and over-the-top violence. It's a fun and entertaining movie, perfect for a late-night watch with friends.

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