The film Trap for Cinderella is a psychological thriller that centers on the life of Micky, a young girl who struggles to recall her past after surviving a horrific house fire. The tragedy claimed the life of her childhood friend, Do.

As Micky tries to piece together her memories, she realizes that she and Do were leading very different lives. Do was wealthy and had a glamorous lifestyle, while Micky was struggling to make ends meet. Despite their differences, the two girls were very close, and Micky soon discovers that there may have been more to their friendship than she originally thought.

With the help of her therapist and a detective working on the case, Micky continues her journey to regain her memories and uncover the truth about what happened on that fateful night. As she delves deeper, she begins to unravel dark secrets and discovers that everyone in her life may not be who they seem.

Trap for Cinderella is a gripping drama that explores themes of trauma, identity, and the complex nature of friendship. With haunting imagery and a suspenseful plot, this film will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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