Toy Gun is a French comedy movie directed by Marco Serafini. Ruggero is a timid and timid young man who cannot seem to impress anyone, especially his ex-wife Marisa. In an attempt to prove his masculinity and win her back, Ruggero decides to rob a local bank. He enters the bank with a toy gun, wearing a ski mask, and tries to rob the teller. However, things do not go as planned, and he ends up getting locked inside the vault.

The police soon arrive on the scene, and the bank suddenly becomes a hotbed of activity. Officers swarm the building and start questioning everyone, including Ruggero's ex-wife, Marisa, who happens to be in the bank at the time. However, the police completely ignore Ruggero, who is still locked inside the vault.

While trapped inside the vault, Ruggero finds a way to escape using a ventilation duct. Once he is out, he finds a way to access the bank's security system and tamper with the footage to make it look like an inside job. This leads to the corrupt bank officials taking the blame for the robbery, and Ruggero is able to get away with his crime.

Throughout the film, there are many hilarious coincidences that add to the comedic value of the movie. For instance, Ruggero's lawyer is also the bank's security guard, and Marisa's new boyfriend is a police officer investigating the robbery.

In the end, Ruggero's plan works, and he successfully proves his masculinity to Marisa. The film ends with Ruggero walking away from the bank with a newly-found sense of confidence, while Marisa looks on from a distance, somewhat impressed by her ex-husband's bravery.

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