Touch of Evil is a classic film noir directed by Orson Welles and released in 1958. It tells the story of a murder investigation on the U.S./Mexico border and the corruption that is uncovered during the investigation.

The film opens with a famous and impressive long take tracking shot that sets the scene for the story, following a car with a bomb in its trunk as it passes through the streets of a border town. The car explodes just as it crosses into the U.S. side of the border, killing the occupants of the car and several innocent bystanders. This sets in motion the investigation by Vargas and Quinlan.

Vargas is a Mexican drug enforcement agent who is determined to solve the case. He teams up with Quinlan, a veteran U.S. police captain who has a reputation for being tough but effective. However, Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his partner Menzies are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, Sanchez, who they believe to be guilty of the bombing.

As the investigation continues, Vargas and his new bride, Susie, become increasingly involved in the case and put themselves in danger as they continue to probe Quinlan's questionable behavior. The tension builds as the corrupt actions of Quinlan and Menzies are gradually revealed, and Vargas becomes more and more desperate to prove Sanchez's innocence.

Touch of Evil is a visually striking and thematically complex film that explores themes of power, corruption, and justice. It features a powerful performance by Orson Welles as the corrupt and troubled Quinlan, and memorable roles for Charlton Heston as Vargas, Janet Leigh as Susie, and Marlene Dietrich as Tanya, a local bar owner who has a history with Quinlan. The film is considered a classic of the film noir genre and remains a landmark in cinema history.

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